What does G.P.B.P. stand for?
Good People, Better Places.
When did how did G.P.B.P. originate?
G.P.B.P originated in 2017 and the idea came from an increase in influence and development of mental health awareness, as well as the need for more services to raise and implement that awareness.
What is the mission or main objective?
G.P.B.P. aims to celebrate personal growth in both relocating 'transplants' and those who seek and sustain mental wellness.
Where did the mantra "Celebrate Your Now" come from?
"Celebrate Your Now" is all about acknowledging aspects of growth that move us forward. These 'celebrations' range from mental adversity, personal journeys, and environmental factors that contribute to living to your fullest potential.
Is there anything out there like G.P.B.P.?
G.P.B.P. is unique in the way that not only do we take the angle of amplifying mental health awareness and personal affirmation, but we center on 'transplants' and those who have shifted their surroundings particularly in pursuit of their mental health.
Who is G.P.B.P. right for?
G.P.B.P. is right for anybody at any place in their lives either coping, advancing, or simply relating with mental health awareness. Our unique styles of design encapsulate new and existing surroundings and are based on the compartments of everyday lifestyle that excite us. We specialize in generating material that speaks to embracing self-worth and positive affluence.
How do I get involved?
G.P.B.P. is always looking for those who want to get involved whether it be from a production standpoint, event planning perspective, or becoming a member of our group and community activism. Feel free to reach out for more info!